Lot Surveys: Whether your lot is a city lot or small acerage in the county we have the knowledge and experience to provide you with whatever you need. We can provide you with a full survey that would include a recordable plat or locate and verify the pins on your lot are there and are in the correct location.
Farm Surveys: With the most up to date equipment available we can easily not only measure and locate the property lines but can also efficiently locate irrigation pivots, farm buildings, wells, pumping stations and cross fences on the farm.
Estate Division: Whenever the patriarch of the family passes away there is always the grief that the surviving family members suffer. There is sometimes also the sibling rivalries that seem to crop up over the fair division of the land left to the survivors. We understand this all to well and pride ourselves in being fair and understanding during the process of equitably dividing the property.
New Lot for Relatives: Most of the surrounding counties have adopted regulations and restrictions on the making of "new" lots. You can no longer let your son or daughter build a home or place a mobile home on the family farm without getting "permission" from county-city officials. The regulations vary from county to county and we are familiar with most of them. We are also familiar with the State Law that defines and or limits when the county can require a new lot of forbid the forming of a new lot for a relative.
GDOT Restoration of Property Corners: Whenever GDOT(Georgia Dept. of Transportation) buys property from you for the purpose of widening or building a road they agree in the sales contract to "reimburse the reasonable cost of replacing destroyed or damaged property corners". The monuments that the GDOT placed during construction are probably not in the correct location I have been told by GDOT officials that the monuments are there only to show where they can mow the grass. We are experienced in obtaining understanding the GDOT plans that the road is built by. This can be a more expensive survey than a normal one simply because of the destruction not only of your corners but also your neighbors and the starting points for many surrounding properties. The survey virtually has to be done "backwards". There is also a time limit for the reimbursement. Do not delay if you need to have this done.
Boundary Disputes: A surveyor's dutys to provide opinions and information to their clients so they can peacefully and legally settle disputed boundaries. Johnson Surveying prides itself in the many disputes it has been able to help the two parties come to an agreement on without having to spend thousands of dollars in legal fees and court cost.
Construction Stakeout: Whether its the homeowners or farmers sketch on a restaurant napkin or an engineer's autocad computer file Johnson Surveying can accurately stake the fence, road home or multi-story building and provide an as built drawing after construction.
Elevation Certificates: After the flood of 1994 most of the surrounding counties elected to participate in the FEMA Insurance program. This requires that they do not approve construction of new homes or remodeling of existing homes in the 100yr flood plane. The elevation certificate is a FEMA form that certifies the elevation of the home and the elevation of the 100yr flood plane. We have done many of these in and near the designated 100yr flood planes in the surrounding counties.
LOMAs: LOMA (Letter of Map Amendment) is a FEMA form that many homeowners that live near a lake may need in order to save thousands of dollars per year in insurance cost. If you are being forced to purchase flood insurance and have been designated as being in a flood plane a LOMA may help you save money.
ALTA ACSM Surveys: Johnson Surveying provides ALTA ACSM Surveys to the clients that require these special surveys.